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Are you losing customers due to accessibility gaps?
Scan your website and receive a free detailed report to see your website’s accessibility status.
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What do you get when scanning  your domain?

Discover your accessibility and compliance gaps with accessScan's free audit report

Clarity is essential  for web accessibility

Why is web accessibility so important?

Making the internet accessible is an ethical imperative, benefiting 15% of the global population. Beyond doing the right thing, it also mitigates the risks businesses can face from increasing legal actions across all industries.

Inaccessible websites face serious  legal consequences

With exponential growth in web accessibility, legal actions have a widespread effect across industries, with small and medium businesses in the center.

Lawsuit numbers are estimated to continue to increase as the need to enable accessible digital experiences becomes more prominent.

Setting the standard in accessibility testing

  • Fast results

    With a click of a button, accurate results are ready within seconds

  • Free forever

    Helps drive awareness towards a more accessible web

  • Highly reliable

    Uses industry-leading AI to scan for accessibility issues

  • Backed by leadership

    accessScan is powered by accessiBe, the #1 web accessibility solution-suite

  • Privacy is priority

    No personal data is collected and we abide by all security regulations

  • Gain clarity

    You know where you stand and what needs to be fixed