accessFind: A gateway to accessible websites

accessiBe News

Only 3% of the world’s websites are accessible, and for billions of people living with disabilities, finding those websites is a challenge. 35 nonprofit organizations teamed up with accessiBe to address this digital gap and come up with a solution. Together, we combined innovative technology with the human experience to create accessFind. Read about the gateway to accessible websites now.

accessiBe Team

Only 3% of the world’s websites are accessible, and for the billions of people living with disabilities, finding those websites is a huge challenge. In an ideal world, all websites would be accessible and users would not need to sift through the endless inaccessible sites to find the ones that are inclusive. We aren’t there yet, and so there is a gap around how users can find out which stores have accessible online shopping, which banks have websites that are screen reader compatible, and which restaurants provide an inclusive online ordering experience. Trial and error to find accessible websites is time-consuming, frustrating, and usually fruitless. 

A diverse group of disability focused non-profit organizations partnered with accessiBe to address this digital gap. Each of the Founding Members brought their community’s unique perspective to the table. Together, we combined the power of innovative technology and diverse lived experiences to create the Beta version of accessFind

an organizational chart with the names of the nonprofit founding members of accessFind in each box listed

“The more diverse the group is that you bring together to solve a problem, generally speaking, the more robust and quick the solutions will be formed, that have a lot of different entities and aspects involved. accessFind is a great case study for the importance of diversity and inclusion even from the business sense.” 

- Founding Member Hoby Webler

Dr. Hoby Webler is smiling at the camera and wearing a blue plaid shirt in front of a forest tree setting

A home for accessible websites

accessFind is the first index of only accessible websites. If you want to buy a new blanket through an accessible website, you no longer have to try several inaccessible websites first. You can simply search for “blanket” on accessFind and get shopping.

accessFind provides the same standard search experience that users are used to. We want to make sure that users can depend on accessFind for quality results, so it’s imperative that we do a quality check on each website before it is added to the index, so that it only lists websites that adhere to WCAG 2.1 Level AA. Our goal is that all users with physical, visual, or cognitive disabilities are able to access them.

Founding Member Mike Caprara from the Viscardi Center shared why he and his community joined the team and created accessFind:

“It's a collaboration, which I'm really impressed with. We’ve been working with other disability-focused organizations, and working with accessiBe, which is putting the priority on the disability community to help develop this platform, and to give the disability-focused organizations a voice with the creation accessFind.”

-Founding Member Mike Caprara, Viscardi Center

A community collaboration

This tool is a creation for the community, by the community. And in order for accessFind to grow, we invite everyone to participate. 

Here’s how you can add your accessible website or an accessible website that you use:

  1. Go to
    2. Click on the Menu icon in the top right corner
    3. Select “List a Website”
    4. Input the website information and click “Submit” 

a screenshot of the accessFind "list a website" page that displays entry fields for the website's URL, name, and email address of the person submitting

We hope that accessFind continues to grow so that it can become a comprehensive accessible website index that users all over the world can depend on. accessFind will continue to improve as it grows and we welcome feedback on the experience. If you think of a way to optimize the search experience, don’t hesitate to share through the Contact Us page.

A more inclusive future

The Founding Members and accessiBe are proud to launch accessFind as a step in building a more inclusive internet. Everyone deserves equal access and accessFind is part of a greater solution to bridge the web accessibility gap. 

“It is easy to take for granted the unobstructed access many of us experience when using the internet for various reasons. For those who benefit from accessibility factors, it is no small thing to be able to shop, research, read, and interact online quickly and easily. We support accessFind because Turnstone believes in digital equity and accessFind contributes to this vision by ensuring more people have access to the power of the internet.”

-Founding Member Stasha Carrasquillo, Turnstone

Stasha Carrasquillo is smiling at the camera and wearing a maroon colored sweater over a black t-shirt and is standing outside during the daytime

So what are you waiting for? Check out accessFind and explore a new gateway to accessible websites.