Premium and Enterprise features for your accessWidget license


accessiBe’s Premium addon features bring you tailor-made complementary solutions to enhance your experience and maximize the value of your license.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    Priority Support & SLA

    Receive priority support over email, chat, or phone rather than email and chat only. Gain direct access to accessibility and integration experts and solution engineers ready to help you solve any issue.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    Monthly remediation report with full documentation

    Receive a monthly PDF report of changes accessWidget has applied to your main website pages to make them accessible. The report includes detailed code examples, screenshots, and statistics, as shown in the example report below.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    Automatic Google Analytics Integration

    Automatically see accessWidget user-interaction as events in your Google Analytics account. No setup is needed! Gain visibility on how people interact with accessibility features on your website.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    User & Team Management

    Enables secure multi-staff member participation in your account dashboard with predefined roles and privileges. Determine the access level of your team members according to labels such as user and admin, etc.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    Multi-account management

    Create and manage multiple dashboard accounts under the same user, organize your work and save time. This feature allows you to organize and separate different entities, users, licensing, billing and payment, etc.

  • Premium features
    Available on all plans above Standard

    API & Batch Management

    Easily manage your licenses with accessiBe’s API - No need for manual, ‘one at a time’ work. Using the Batch Management option, you can efficiently and effortlessly edit (add/remove) your licenses in one action.

  • Enterprise features
    Available on all plans above Advanced

    Testing Accounts

    Leverage the ability to install accessWidget on non-production environments with no extra cost. Many development teams manage website changes using testing environments. We provides a separate sub-account, for free, to hold non-commercial use licenses for testing purposes

  • Enterprise features
    Available on all plans above Advanced

    Solution Engineering

    Get a tailor-made account or feature developments and solutions as your business might require. A support engineer will help you integrate our solution or customize it to your website if needed. You will also have technical guidance if you need accessiBe’s API - we will help you integrate it into your system.

  • Enterprise features
    Available on all plans above Advanced

    Single-Sign-On (SSO)

    Maintain the highest levels of security & user management with Single Sign On (SSO) authentication. With SSO you can allow authentication to accessiBe’s Dashboard account using your organization’s credentials (SAML or OAuth).

  • Enterprise features
    Available on all plans above Advanced

    Custom Legal Terms

    Get a tailor-made account or feature developments and solutions as your business might require.