accessiBe is trusted by dental websites across all specialties to open their practice’s website to people with disabilities and comply with legislation.
Always on help with WCAG conformance and ADA compliance
Accessibility statement and certification of performance
Re-scanning and fixing accessibility issues every 24 hours
Emailing you a professional compliance audit every month
As web accessibility demand letters and lawsuits are increasing among medical practices, websites offering medical services are being urged to make their websites accessible to people with disabilities and mitigate the risk of litigation.
accessWidget integrates seamlessly with all CMS platforms and even with custom ones! Easy two-minute installation. Whatever platform you prefer, we support it.
In a matter of seconds, get a full compliance audit to learn exactly where you stand
accessWidget offers multiple customization options so you can easily make it look like a material part of your site. Your users can customize your website for their preferred experience.
accessWidget is optimized to load asynchronously, in parallel with your website's content, and therefore does not affect on your store's loading times and performance.
We offer web agencies a full suite of products and support to help them provide web accessibility services to their customers and have peace of mind.