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What do I do if I get a demand letter?

You may receive a demand letter as the first step of litigation. This just means that someone is of the opinion that your website is not ADA compliant and has made an effort to bring your website under legal inquiry.

The main point is to prove that you have made an effort to ensure the accessibility of your site to people with disabilities. If you are an accessiBe customer, you can send your site’s accessibility statement (found within the interface on your website) and the monthly compliance audits you receive in your inbox. These documents are a certification of compliance that proves your website is accessible with WCAG requirements.

If you are still questioned after providing these documents, please reach out to us directly so we can provide you with additional compliance information through our Litigation Support Package. This package will be custom-designed for your specific case. Our tech team will thoroughly review the perceived accessibility holes in your site and provide you with tailored documentation proving that your site is accessible and compliant. This package will include line-by-line manual compliance audits by our R&D team, various accessibility compliance audit review scores for your domain, assistance with responding to the complainant, among other supporting documentation.

If you are not an accessiBe customer, your site could be lacking proof that you have made any effort to provide accessibility and become compliant with legislation. Within 48 hours of installing accessiBe, your site is compliant with legislation and accessible. At this time you will also receive the accessibility statement which can be sent in response to the demand letter.