Color Blindness

The information presented within this glossary entry is aimed at website owners seeking to learn the ropes of web accessibility. Technical elements are described in layman’s terms, and, as a rule, all topics pertaining to the legalities of web accessibility are presented in as simplified a manner as possible. This guide has no legal bearing, and cannot be relied on in the case of litigation.

Color blindness is a condition in which individuals perceive colors differently than most people do. This usually results in difficulty distinguishing between certain colors. Color blindness is typically hereditary, meaning it often runs in families. People who have color blindness sometimes have difficulty performing certain tasks. However, for the most part, people with color blindness adapt well to their surroundings and do not encounter significant difficulties in their daily activities.

Color blindness by gender and race

Color blindness is primarily a hereditary condition, passed down from one generation to the next. An estimated 8% of males and less than 1% of females have some form of difficulty perceiving color. This translates to roughly 300 million people worldwide who have color vision deficiency. The disparity in the prevalence of color blindness between both genders can be attributed to the inheritance pattern of color blindness, which is primarily linked to the X chromosome. Given that males have one X chromosome while females have two (XX), the former are more likely to inherit color vision deficiencies.

The prevalence of color blindness varies among populations and ethnic groups. However, it is generally observed to be more common in individuals of Caucasian descent. This higher prevalence is attributed to genetic factors and the distribution of specific color vision genes within the Caucasian population.

Types of color blindness

Red-green color blindness

The most common form of color blindness is red-green, which includes four conditions:

  • Deuteranomaly: Deuteranomaly is the most common form of color blindness. With this condition, the green light photoreceptors (M-cones) in an individual’s eye are present, but they don't function properly. As a result, green light is perceived as red (or as a shade closer to red), making it difficult to differentiate between shades of red and green
  • Protanomaly: Protanomaly, also known as "red-weakness," is a less common form of color blindness. People with this condition have red light photoreceptors (L-cones) that are not functioning correctly. This causes red light to appear more green and less bright, making reds and greens more difficult to tell apart. Like Deuteranomaly, individuals with Protanomaly can typically adapt well to their condition and live normal lives
  • Protanopia: Protanopia is defined by the red cones in the retina of the eye either being absent or faulty. This affects an individual’s perception of colors along the red-green spectrum. As a result, colors that contain shades of red, orange, yellow, and green may appear shifted or muted. Some individuals with protanopia may perceive these colors as shades of gray or may have difficulty differentiating between certain shades
  • Deuteranopia: Deuteranomaly is defined by M-cones (which make up about a third of cones in the human eye) being present but not functioning correctly. This results in a difficulty differentiating between certain shades of green and red. To those with Deuteranopia, these colors will appear similar or even indistinguishable, as shades of green may appear more yellowish, and certain shades of red may appear closer to brown or gray

Blue-yellow color blindness

Blue-yellow color blindness, a condition less common than red-green color blindness, includes Tritanomaly and Tritanopia. Tritanomaly is a condition in which the S-cones, which perceive short-wavelength light, do not function properly. Conversely, Tritanopia is a condition in which the S-cones are absent. These conditions result in blue and yellow appearing dampened or less vibrant, making it difficult for those who have them to distinguish between them.

Complete color blindness

Complete color blindness, also known as achromatopsia or monochromacy, is a rare and severe form of color blindness. Unlike the more common types of color blindness that affect the perception of specific colors, complete color blindness is defined by a total absence or malfunctioning of all three types of cones in the retina.

To individuals with complete color blindness, the world appears almost entirely in shades of gray. This group is unable to perceive any colors, including red, green, and blue. Those with complete color blindness typically have additional vision impairments, such as extreme sensitivity to light (photophobia) and reduced visual acuity.

Diagnosing color blindness

Diagnosing color blindness involves a series of tests and assessments conducted by eye care professionals, typically optometrists or ophthalmologists. These tests determine the presence, type, and severity of color vision deficiency in an individual.

Here are some common methods used when diagnosing color blindness:


An anomaloscope is a specialized instrument used to diagnose and differentiate between various types of color vision deficiencies. An anomaloscope typically consists of two halves, the first displaying a fixed color and the other allowing the individual to adjust a mixture of colors to match the fixed color. By comparing the matching results, an eye care professional administering the test can determine the type and severity of color blindness.

Color vision tests

In some cases, color vision screening tests may be used as a quick initial assessment of color vision deficiency. These tests typically involve presenting a series of color-related images or tasks, such as identifying colored shapes or patterns, to identify potential color blindness. While these screenings can provide an indication of color blindness, they are often inconclusive. Further diagnostic tests are typically required for a comprehensive evaluation.

Color arrangement tests

These tests entail arranging color chips or discs in a specific order or grouping them according to color similarity. Prominent examples of such tests are the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test and the D-15 Test. These tests can provide further insights into an individual's color perception and help identify any specific patterns or deficiencies in color differentiation.

Treatments and cures for color blindness

Treatments and cures for color blindness are an area of ongoing research. However, there is currently no widely accepted and proven cure that can completely restore normal color vision in individuals who have color blindness.

Researchers are continuously exploring various approaches and technologies that aim to enhance color perception or provide alternative means of color discrimination to those with this condition. Here are some areas of investigation:

  • Gene therapy: Gene therapy is a promising avenue being explored as a potential treatment for color blindness. Researchers hope that gene therapy will enable the introduction of functional copies of the genes responsible for color vision into the cells of the retina. Despite some initial successes being reported in animal studies, further research and clinical trials are required to determine the long-term safety and efficacy of this approach in humans
  • Optogenetics: Optogenetics is a cutting-edge technique that involves introducing light-sensitive proteins into cells that are not normally light-sensitive. Researchers are investigating whether optogenetics can be used to make certain cells in the retina sensitive to colors that are typically not perceived. Although still in experimental stages, this approach shows promise in potentially restoring some color vision capabilities

In addition to the ongoing research into these potential treatments, there are a number of assistive technologies that can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with color blindness. These include:

  • Color correction glasses
  • Special contact lenses
  • Visual aids (e.g., color vision apps)

These tools can help improve color discrimination by altering the wavelengths of light reaching a person’s retina, or provide additional cues for color differentiation.

Color blindness and web accessibility

The vast majority of websites are either partially or fully inaccessible to people with disabilities. Among this marginalized group are people with color blindness. If designed without considering their unique abilities, websites and web-based applications (like PDFs) will present people with color blindness with considerable, and potentially insurmountable, digital barriers.

To address these challenges and ensure inclusivity, websites should adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), WCAG sets forth a collection of guidelines aimed at making web content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities. Within these guidelines, specific sections are dedicated to color usage and contrast. These sections emphasize the importance of:

By adhering to WCAG, web designers and developers can create digital platforms that are not only compliant with legal standards but also offer a more inclusive and user-friendly experience for everyone, including those with color blindness.

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