
The information presented within this glossary entry is aimed at website owners seeking to learn the ropes of web accessibility. Technical elements are described in layman’s terms, and, as a rule, all topics pertaining to the legalities of web accessibility are presented in as simplified a manner as possible. This guide has no legal bearing, and cannot be relied on in the case of litigation.

Deafness is defined as a significant hearing loss that is profound enough to impact the processing of linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification. This condition typically involves a complete or near-complete loss of the ability to hear sounds.

It's important to distinguish deafness from general hearing impairment.

While hearing impairment refers to a partial loss of hearing or reduced hearing ability, deafness represents a more severe form of hearing loss. This profound level of hearing loss often calls for alternative forms of communication, such as sign language or lip-reading, as traditional auditory methods are not effective.

In understanding deafness, it is crucial to recognize that it's not just a medical condition but also a cultural identity for those who live with this condition. Individuals who are deaf may identify with Deaf culture, a community that shares common experiences, language (sign language), and values. This cultural aspect plays a significant role in how individuals who are deaf interact with the world and should be considered in contexts like web accessibility and digital communication.

Primary causes of deafness

Deafness can result from various factors, each contributing to the loss of hearing in different ways. Understanding these causes is essential for both awareness and in creating accessible environments for those who are deaf. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Genetic factors: A significant number of deafness cases are inherited. Genetic deafness can be present at birth or develop later in life, and it often occurs without any other signs of hearing impairment in the family
  • Prenatal exposure to disease: Certain diseases during pregnancy, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus, can cause congenital deafness in the unborn child
  • Birth complications: Deafness can also be a result of complications during birth, including the presence of a low birth weight, premature birth, or oxygen deprivation
  • Infections: Some infections, particularly those affecting the ear, such as meningitis or mumps, can lead to severe hearing loss or deafness
  • Ototoxic medications: Certain medications are known to be ototoxic, meaning they can damage the inner ear and result in hearing loss or deafness. An example of such a drug are aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g., Gentamicin)
  • Trauma or injury: Physical trauma, especially to the head or ears, can sometimes lead to sudden deafness
  • Noise-induced hearing loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noises, either in a single intense event or over time, can cause irreversible damage to the inner ear, leading to deafness
  • Aging: Age-related hearing loss, known as presbycusis, can progress to a level of deafness in some individuals

It is important to note that while some causes of deafness can be temporary or treatable, many forms of deafness, especially those related to genetic factors, aging, or chronic noise exposure, are permanent. Medical advancements continue to provide solutions like cochlear implants and hearing aids to assist those with hearing loss, but these do not restore normal hearing. The permanence of deafness underscores the importance of preventive measures, early diagnosis, and appropriate interventions where possible.

Communication methods for people who are deaf

For individuals who are deaf, engaging in communication often requires alternative methods beyond traditional auditory means. These methods are not just tools for conversation but are integral to their interaction with the world. Some of the most pervasive communication methods include, but are not limited to

  • Sign language: Predominantly used within the Deaf community, sign languages like American Sign Language (ASL) are complete languages with their own grammar and syntax. They are not simply hand gestures but encompass facial expressions and body language to convey meaning fully
  • Lip-reading: Also known as speechreading, this method involves interpreting the movements of the lips, face, and tongue. While it can be a valuable skill, it's often used in conjunction with other methods for more effective communication
  • Written communication: This encompasses all forms of text-based communication, such as writing, texting, or using digital devices. It's a versatile and accessible method, allowing for clear communication across different settings

What people who are deaf experience when engaging with online spaces

As the world increasingly moves towards digitalization, people who are deaf frequently encounter significant challenges in online environments. Despite advancements in technology, a vast majority of websites remain either fully or partially inaccessible to individuals with various disabilities, including deafness. This inaccessibility is felt in several key areas, including the following:

  • Limited accessibility in multimedia: Many websites heavily rely on audio-visual content, such as videos and podcasts, which often lack captions or sign language interpretation. This makes it difficult for people who are deaf to access crucial information or enjoy media content
  • Navigation and interaction issues: Audio cues used for navigation or interaction on websites can create barriers. Without visual or textual alternatives, these elements are inaccessible, leading to a frustrating and exclusionary experience
  • Lack of inclusive design: A general lack of awareness about the needs of people who are deaf leads to designs that do not consider their accessibility requirements. This oversight results in a digital divide, where people who are deaf are often left behind in the rapidly evolving digital landscape

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ role in ensuring accessibility for people who are deaf

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), are instrumental in enhancing web accessibility for people who are deaf. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations and success criteria designed to make web content more accessible to a wide range of people with disabilities, including those with deafness. Key elements of WCAG that specifically aid people who are deaf include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Provision of captions: Ensuring all pre-recorded audio content, like videos and podcasts, has accurate captions is a core WCAG requirement. This makes auditory information accessible in a textual format for people who are deaf
  • Sign language interpretations: WCAG recommends providing sign language interpretations for multimedia content, recognizing the linguistic diversity and cultural identity of the Deaf community
  • Visual alternatives for audio cues: The guidelines stress the importance of visual alternatives for audio information and cues, ensuring that notifications and audio-based interactions are accessible to those who cannot hear them

Deafness under the law

Deafness is recognized under various legal frameworks globally, reflecting the commitment to protect the rights and ensure equal opportunities for individuals who are deaf. These laws acknowledge the unique challenges faced by people who are deaf and mandate accommodations to facilitate their full participation in society. Key aspects of such legislation include:

  • Anti-discrimination provisions: Many laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States, prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including those who are deaf, in various sectors like employment, education, and public services
  • Mandated accommodations: These laws often require reasonable accommodations to be made for people who are deaf, such as providing sign language interpreters or assistive listening devices in public settings and workplaces. In the workplace, this ensures that employees who are deaf have equal access to communication and can fully participate in work activities
  • Accessibility requirements: Legislation may also specify accessibility standards for buildings, public transport, and communication systems to ensure they are accessible to people who are deaf

Notable laws protecting the rights of people who are deaf

In the United States

In Canada

The Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) prohibits discrimination based on disability, including deafness, and emphasizes accessible communication and facilities for individuals who are deaf in both the public and private sectors.

In the United Kingdom

The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals who are deaf from discrimination in employment, education, and access to services. It mandates reasonable adjustments in public facilities and services to accommodate the needs of people who are deaf.

In Europe

Various EU directives and national laws across European countries address the rights and needs of people who are deaf. These laws often mirror the principles of the ADA and the Equality Act, focusing on non-discrimination, accessibility, and reasonable accommodations in public spaces, employment, and services. An example of such a law is the European Accessibility Act (EAA).

Web accessibility laws pertaining to people who are deaf

In the digital world, laws and regulations specifically address the needs of people who are deaf, ensuring equitable access to online information and services. These laws play a crucial role in guiding website owners and developers towards creating inclusive digital spaces.

It is important to note that the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are an instrumental element of these laws. Some of them point to WCAG as the standard for compliance, while others make reference to it, without it being codified into the law. This highlights the significance of WCAG in shaping the legal framework for digital accessibility for people who are deaf.

Important web accessibility legislation includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act: Section 508 requires federal agencies, bodies that receive federal funding, and service providers to such organizations to make their information and communication technology (ICT) products (which include websites and other web-based applications) accessible to people with disabilities, including those who are deaf
  • The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): This Canadian law mandates that web content meets certain accessibility standards, which include provisions for people who are deaf, such as captioning for videos

It is worth noting that while the ADA does not explicitly mention websites, many U.S. courts now apply it to the ‌online domain. This has led to a growing expectation that websites, especially those of public entities and businesses, should be accessible to all, including to those who are deaf. This is consistent with the Department of Justice’s stance (expressed in an official letter), that website accessibility falls under the ADA. The DOJ has referenced WCAG 2.1 Level AA as the standard websites should conform to under the ADA.

What is Deaf culture?

Deaf culture encompasses the social beliefs, behaviors, art, and traditions of communities profoundly influenced by deafness, primarily using sign languages like American Sign Language (ASL) or British Sign Language (BSL)for communication. Central to Deaf culture is using sign language, not just as a communication tool but as a core element of identity, fostering a strong sense of community among its members. This culture is rich in art, theater, and literature, often reflecting the unique experiences and perspectives of being deaf.

Within Deaf culture, there are distinct social norms and values, such as direct visual communication and attention-getting methods like tapping on the shoulder or waving. The community is diverse, with variations in experiences based on factors like age of deafness onset, family background, and education. Advocacy for rights and accessibility is a significant part of Deaf culture, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and respecting this culture in creating inclusive environments, both offline and online.

Advocacy groups and organizations geared toward people who are deaf

Advocacy groups and organizations play a pivotal role in supporting and empowering individuals who are deaf. These entities focus on a range of objectives, from promoting rights and accessibility to providing resources and community support. Key organizations include:

  • National Association of the Deaf (NAD): Based in the United States, NAD is a prominent advocacy group that champions the civil rights of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. They focus on areas like education, employment, health care, and digital accessibility
  • British Deaf Association (BDA): In the UK, BDA advocates for the rights and interests of people who are deaf who use British Sign Language. Their work encompasses a variety of areas, including education, community development, and promoting the recognition of BDA
  • World Federation of the Deaf (WFD): An international organization that represents approximately 70 million people who are deaf worldwide. WFD works globally to ensure equal rights for deaf individuals in all aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of sign language

These organizations, along with numerous local and regional groups, provide a vital support network. They not only advocate for policy changes and rights but also foster a sense of community and belonging among people who are deaf. Their efforts in raising awareness, promoting sign language, and fighting for equal opportunities have significantly contributed to the advancement of Deaf culture and the rights of deaf individuals globally.

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