accessiBe Reviews on WordPress, G2, Trustpilot and other platforms - what do people think?

accessiBe News

We have collected some of the reviews about accessiBe that we’re most proud of and put them in this article to share with you!

accessiBe Team

The best way to truly get to know a company, other than experiencing their product firsthand, is by reading honest reviews from current customers and users. Honest reviews help you measure the effectiveness of a product, the quality of customer service, and whether the claims a company makes are accurate or not. For accessiBe, our user base is website owners. G2, Trustpilot, and WordPress are where you can find the vast majority of our reviews (nearly 700 of them at the time of writing this blog). We have collected some of the accessiBe reviews we’re most proud of and put them in this article to share with you!

1. “Giving inclusion to all with a personal touch” - 5 Stars (

Trevor G, a small business owner (50 or less employees) explained that accessiBe is ‘quick and easy for having your website checked for compliance’. He loved the fact that ‘the tool is easily accessible to all people whether or not you have a temporary or permanent disability’. He stated that accessiBe ‘helps to give peace of mind to website owners that they are less likely to have multiple lawsuits raised because their sites were not compliant when it was created’.

2. “The best option for making your site accessible, easy, and intuitive to use!” - 5 Stars (

Naama E, a small business owner, loves the fact that accessiBe is so easy to set up. She stated, ‘it only took me a few minutes, even though I chose the more advanced option, and after I finished everything worked just as expected - perfect!’. She also stated that she ‘tried a few accessibility services before, which had some problems, but (with accessiBe), everything went smoothly’. 

Furthermore, she was delighted with the fact that accessiBe ‘helped with SEO, and therefore performance is better’. She also did not find anything that she disliked in the product or service.

3. “accessiBe should be on every website, period” - 4.5 Stars (

John T, a designer in a mid-market business (51-1000 employees), states that ‘the ability to adjust font size has even helped me show my grandmother the ecommerce website while not affecting the layout of the typography on the website’. 

He is extremely grateful for our service, stating ‘everyone who runs a customer-facing website should definitely consider providing the accessiBe service’. John loves ‘being able to provide a service that allows anyone the ability to adjust the website when shopping for products’. He also says that ‘the monthly provided report is a great resource to verify that everything is working correctly’.

4. “accessiBe makes accessibility easy” - 4.5 Stars (

An administrator at a non-profit organization (more than 1000 employees) wrote: ‘accessiBe has been a game-changer for us, simplifying our efforts to maintain an accessible and compliant web presence for our entire organization. It allows us to better monitor our website and provides feedback that simply wouldn’t be possible for our team from a man-power perspective’. 

They also said, ‘considering the amount of time it saves us, it’s proven to be well worth the investment’. They are particularly happy how ‘accessiBe allows the organization to remain compliant with AODA standards surrounding the organization’s website’.

5. “accessiBe is a must-have for all my clients” - 5 Stars (

Jason C, a marketing consultant in a mid-market business, stated that ‘accessiBe allows my customers to finally begin to offer their products and services to a larger audience. It's one of the quickest and easiest ways to add contextual alt tags to all images at once which is great for SEO, and this tool is very affordable.’ 

He was pleased to note that ‘there’s not much to dislike about accessiBe since every time I install it on a client's site, it installs in only a few minutes and is up and running fully within a day or two as soon as the AI has a chance to scan all images and the site code.’ Jason believes that this ‘software is a must to remain legally compliant in most jurisdictions’.

6. “Thank you accessiBe for an amazing experience!” - 5 stars (

Naama, from Illinois, explained that the ‘accessiBe accessibility plug-in is so intuitive and easy to use while (it) contains absolutely everything a website needs! I chose the most advanced installation and after only 5 minutes I had a plug-in that is customized for me exactly as I wanted. I tried some accessibility plug-ins before and wasn’t satisfied at all until I came across this wonderful plug - highly recommended’.

7. “One of the easiest experiences I’ve had with adding a widget to our site” - 5 stars (

Sharon, a founder of an online art gallery in Illinois, wrote, ‘I just installed accessiBe on our Shopify store, and it was one of the easiest experiences I’ve had with adding a widget to our site. No coding knowledge needed!’ She also stated that ‘the viewing experience in our site has such a tremendous impact on our viewers and site users, however, not all eyes are the same. I am proud to have accessible installed on our site and let everyone and anyone experience our website in the best, most customized way for them’.

8. “accessiBe took a few seconds to install and is really simple to operate” - 5 stars (

Anat said that ‘before I found this plug-in I downloaded many others who have caused me problems. accessiBe took a few seconds to install and is really simple to operate. My friend recommended it to me and I am so glad I found it. Thank you!!’

9. “The amount of impaired users that accessiBe has considered is comprehensive” - 5 stars (

Maria from the United States writes, ​​’the amount of impaired users that accessiBe has considered with their plug-in is comprehensive. ADHD, epilepsy, visual impairment, and so on. They even have an option to add a virtual keyboard for those that cannot type. Our website is now compliant with ADA!”

10. “We saved thousands of dollars easily, just by having your product.” - YouTube Review

Sergios’ is a chain of Cuban restaurants based in the South Florida area. They knew that restaurants were being sued for having their sites as non-ADA compliant. They found accessiBe during an online search, reached out to us, and found that we were really helpful in explaining the state of legislation and what should be done in order to comply with it. 

But, after a few months they received a letter claiming their website was not accessible. So, they reached out to us, we quickly responded and even connected their lawyers with accessiBe’s CEO who assured them that their website was compliant. Better yet, the demand letter was withdrawn immediately after they sent their response.

Written by Carlos Gazatua, Sergios.

11. “More than just protecting our sites legally, we believe inclusion to be essential, and now people with disabilities can access our site with ease!” - YouTube Review

Chris Gorgoni, an operations manager at Go Miami Beach, explained how he was caught off-guard by the amount of time and effort that was necessary to make their websites ADA compliant, and to keep them that way.

He explained that they reached out to accessiBe and scheduled a demo with a salesperson who was very patient in explaining the whole legislation in detail. He also showed them how accessiBe works to remediate their site, and to achieve compliance. Chris explains that he trusts accessiBe fully, and ended up purchasing licenses for four websites in their group!

12. “We decided to partner with accessiBe because they are experts in the niche, and the customer support is amazing” - YouTube Review

Rodrigo Alonso explains that some of his e-commerce clients were getting lawsuits from different attorneys in the US because their website wasn’t compliant with accessibility laws. Once they began installing accessiBe, they found it to be a huge asset for them and so far all customers are very happy with it.

He also explained that by making your website accessible, you can reach more audiences so you can expand your customer base. The accessiBe solution is fast and intuitive to install and is a great solution for customers to expand their audience.

13. “Easiness of use, affordability compared to using developers and content writers. (accessiBe) was a pretty easy choice.” - YouTube Review

David explains that there are several reasons why it was so important to make his clients’ websites accessible to begin with. The first is that as a digital agency, they need to give their clients the right knowledge and advice. Secondly, they pride themselves on being a trendsetting agency, so they know what are the latest trends and regulations. Not knowing what are the latest regulations made him feel like he wasn’t responding to the agency’s mission. Finally, it looks bad on his agency of the client and their website is not ADA compliant.

He chose accessiBe because he likes things simple. As soon as he reached out to accessiBe, someone replied super quickly, a calendar invite was scheduled and within a few clicks, the website was compliant. With the easiness of use, affordability compared to using developers and content writers, it was a pretty easy choice.

14. WordPress accessiBe reviews: 5 Stars

Some 5-star reviews on the accessiBe WordPress plug-in:

  • ‘Great accessibility plug-in!’
  • ‘Best accessibility plug-in I worked with - highly recommended’
  • ‘Easy to use’
  • ‘A simple supplement that benefits many good people in the world’
  • ‘Best accessibility plug-in’
  • ‘Easy to install and important to have’
  • ‘Great tool for small businesses’

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

If you want to see more of the 5-star reviews our clients have given us, feel free to check them out yourself here, you don’t have to take our word for it!