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Getting Started with accessFlow

Get ready to take your web development workflow to the next level with accessFlow – the ultimate tool for accessibility and compliance.

accessFlow audits your website, identifies accessibility and compliance issues based on WCAG guidelines, prioritizes them, and offers solutions. Enhance accessibility without extra work, benefiting all users.

Project and product managers, scrum masters, developers, and accessibility experts can manage and improve accessibility efficiently. accessFlow continuously audits websites and web apps, simulates assistive technology, and creates a remediation workflow. Easily track your progress with dashboards and scores and see which issues need to be resolved to move to the next phase..

Customize action funnels to audit compliance for key events in customer journeys. Build funnels manually or record actions using our session recorder, which are executed during audits.

Get started today!

 1. Buy an accessFlow license.

Screenshot of add new license

accessFlow will run an initial audit of your website. Within 2 hours you will be presented with accessibility issues in the Workflow and Audits pages. The number of pages scanned depends on the type of plan you purchased. 

Note: For the Essential, Business, and Enterprise plans we recommend contacting us for a short discovery call. After this short call we will get you set right up!

Screenshot of workflow progress and issues

2. In the Workflow page, select Manage on an issue and start remediating your website. 

Screenshot of remediation panel